An event, “Pitch to Faculty Representative Entrepreneurship Development (FRED),” was held on 1st September 2022, Thursday Morning at Entrepreneurship Village. The event was attended by Dr. Annie Dayani Binti Ahad Abdullah (Deputy Director of OAVCIE), Faculty Representative (FRED), and Project Manager of Entrepreneurship Village & USC.As part of the Discovery Year Incubation Program, the students in Batch 21, August 2022, will need to form a group of 5 or 6 members and develop a Group Innovation Business Ideas. Hence, the primary purpose of this event is to get the Incubatees to pitch their ideas to FRED, and then the group will be given feedback on the ideas. In addition, FREDs can also choose the group they hope to mentor over the semester. The pitch for each group will need to be within 5 minutes and followed up with a Q&A Session. By doing so, the incubatees could be more realistic in their business ideas and improve on the commented area.