After UBD

You may not have given much thought about life after university. Of course, you should be primarily focused on your learning at the university to better prepare you for the life ahead. However, should you require assistance in this matter there are services in the institution throughout your university years. Here are some facts to keep you further motivated to pursue your studies in UBD:

Marketable skills development

UBD graduates are well-equipped with skills that are marketable in the workplace as they have been exposed to self- discovery, learning outside the classroom and transdisciplinary knowledge that enables them to be multi-skilled a result of the relevant and applied GenNEXT curriculum.

Character and independence nurtured

Experiential learning in UBD helps nurture desired characters in graduates relevant for the 21st century; making them culturally sensitive, environmentally conscious and independent individuals. Towards human excellence is indeed the direction that graduates from UBD are heading.

Availability of Alumni support

There are two centres and one association that are specifically catered for alumni of UBD. The Office of Alumni Relations and Advancement (OARA), UBD CoNECT and the Guild of Graduates are designed as a platform to relay a range of services to UBD alumni including support for career and life networking, and organisation of events, activities and workshops for alumni.

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