Dr. Lawrence Jacob Simasiku Mundia

Associate Professor

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education

Check out more Dr. Lawrence’s Profile

Dr Mundia received  his PhD and MSc in Educational Psychology & Measurement from Cornell University, USA as a Fulbright scholar. He also holds an MEd (Special Education) and MEd (Guidance & Counseling) from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. His MEd (Teacher Education), BA (Education), and DipEd were obtained from  the University of Zambia, Southern Africa. He is a registered psychologist and counselor with a current and ongoing practising certficate/license from the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC), UK. In addition, he is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS). He previously taught at the University of Zambia and  the University of Swaziland (Africa) as well as at the University of Papua New New Guniea and the University of Goroka (South Pacific). Dr Mundia was on the National Special Education Committees of Papua New Guinea and Swaziland advising governments of these countries on special and inclusive education policies. In addition, he has also served as Head of Department, Dean, and Program Coordinator. Currently he is with the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of  Education, University of Brunei Darussalam (Southeast Asia) where since 2006 he has been a member of KACA Executive Committee serving disabled children with high support needs.

Teaching Area
Educational psychology; school counseling; special education; educational & psychological assessment; teacher education

Current Research
Youth crimes; values in counseling; teachers’ mental health; students’ coping strategies. Recently, students with mental health problems have received more research consideration, attention and priority. Dr Mundia is keen on researching and remedying child and adolescent  psychological problems in educational institutions.

Research Interests
Educational psychology; school counseling; special education; educational & psychological assessment; teacher education; child and adolescent psychopathology and mental health.


  • Shahrill, M., Mahalle, S.,  Matzin, R.,  Hamid, M. H. Sheikh, & Mundia, L. (2013). A Comparison of Learning Styles and Study Strategies used by Low and High Math Achieving Brunei Secondary School Students: Implications for Teaching. International Education Studies, 6 (10 ), 39-46.
  • Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Mahalle, S., Hamid, M. H. S.,  & Mundia, L. (2013). A Comparison of Learning Styles and Study Strategies Scores of Brunei Secondary School Students by Test Anxiety, Success Attributions, and Failure Attributions: Implications for Teaching At-risk and Vulnerable Students. Review of European Studies, 5 (5), 119-127.
  • Hamid, M. H. S., Shahrill, M., Matzin, R., Mahalle, S., & Mundia, L. (2013). Barriers to mathematics achievement in Brunei secondary school students: Insights into the roles of mathematics anxiety, self-esteem, proactive coping, and test stress. International Education Studies,  6 (11), 1-14.
  • Haq, F. S., & Mundia, L. (2013). The assessment of psychological distress in Brunei female, mature age and part-time student teachers: Counseling implications. European Journal of Educational Studies, 5 (1), 87-100.
  • Mundia, L. (2012). The role of cognitive behavior therapy in fighting non-adherence to medical advice maintained by fear of drug side-effects in a man with cholesterol, obesity and hypertension problems. The Internet Journal of Health.  Volume 13 Number 1. DOI: 10.5580/2c41.
  •  Mundia, L. (2012). The mental health profiles of student teachers: Relevance to teacher education and in identifying potential future teacher problems. The Internet Journal of World Health and Societal Politics.  Volume 7 Number 2. DOI: 10.5580/2c75.


Phone: +673 246 0923 ext 1566

Email: lawrence.mundia@ubd.edu.bn

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