Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

Assistant Professor

UBD School of Business and Economics (UBD SBE)

Dr Nazlida Muhamad received her Phd in Marketing from The University of Western Australia in 1999.  She has taught marketing modules in Malaysian, Saudi and Australian public universities, prior to working at UBD.  Her research interests and publications are in the area of consumer behavior -with special interest on issues pertaining to Islam, and its role on Muslim consumer behaviors in the marketplace. Among others, her works are published in Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Journal of Business and Policy Research, and Journal of computer-mediated communication.

  • Phd in Markerting (The University of Western Australia)
  • MBA (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
  • BBA (Hons) (Universiti Utara Malaysia)

Teaching Area
Consumer behavior, Marketing and the Muslim world, Research methodology

Research Interests
Consumer behavior, Religion and marketing


Reffered Journal

  • Muhamad, N., & Mizerski, D. (2013). Muslim Consumers’ Decision Making on Taboo Products. Journal of Psychology and Marketing, 30(4), p. 357-371.Wiley: Scopus, ISI Journal Citation Impact Factor: 1.135
  • Muhamad, N., & Mizerski, D. (2010). The Constructs Mediating Religions’ Influence on  Buyers and Consumers. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(2), 124-135. Emerald :Scopus, British Library, Cabell’ Directory of Publishing in Marketing
  • Muhamad, N., & Mizerski, D. (2010). Exploring Muslim Consumers’ Information Sources for Fatwa Ruling on Products and Behaviors. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(1), 37-50.Emerald: Scopus, British Library, Cabell’ Directory of Publishing in Marketing

Book Chapter

  • Muhamad, N. (2011). The Position of Fatwa Ruling in Islam and its Role in Guiding Muslim Consumers’ Marketplace Behaviours: A Malaysian Perspective. In Sandicki G. & Rice, G. (Eds.), Handbook of Islamic Marketing. UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 184980 0136

Conference Proceeding

  • Muhamad, N., Mohd Fawzi, W. I., & Kamaruddin, M. (2013, 1-4 December). Exploring the role of company’s strategy in dealing with consumer boycott on consumers’ motivation to boycott. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Conference 2013, Enganging with our future. Auckland: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Consortium.
  • Muhamad, N. & Mizerski, D. (2012, 3-5 December). Modern Religious Verdicts: Who Bothers and Who’s Not? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Conference 2012, Sharing the Cup of Knowledge. Adelaide: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Consortium.



Phone: +673 246 0923 ext 1121

Email: nazlida.muhamad@ubd.edu.bn

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