CAMPUs Office

CAMPUs Office

Mission, Vision and Objectives

Building and Engineering division who are responsible of streamlining and monitoring of the maintenance and development of all Universiti Brunei Darussalam’s building infrastructure.


The office of Estate intends to provide a service professionally with efficient, quality and cost effective.



To be a recognised office with outstanding achievement levels in managing UBD building infrastructure physical development, Facilities Management and Maintenance system adapting to ISO standard and to convert conventional to sustainable buildings.



  • To achieve the best quality with continuous improvement efforts which are needed to be emphasized on innovation, quality and the process to meet the goals of the organisation.
  • To take action within 24 hours of complaints lodged by end-users with the facilities of Term Contract / Facilities Management.
  • To conduct Preventive Maintenance on assigned schedules.
  • To ensure that all development projects are to be implemented on schedule, within resources and goals that had been set.
  • To ensure maintenance works of the buildings, infrastructure, Mechanical and Electrical are planned, managed and monitored accordingly as well as systematically.
  • To ensure all assets are maintained and recorded accordingly as well as systematically.
  • To ensure all basic maintenance of building facilities are done promptly and adopting the cost effective way.
  • To ensure all upgrading works are executed accordingly with proper application via WE Helpdesk system and to manage works efficiently as well as works executed are within the job specifications using open quotation/ tender.


We Helpdesk

All requests / complaints on building infrastructure related shall be reported to us via WE HELPDESK.


More Information

For more information on Estate Guidelines and SOP, please click here.

See Also

Contact Info

CAMPUs Office

Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link Gadong,
Brunei Darussalam

Apply Here